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Empowering Teens for a
Brighter Tomorrow

Meet the Team Behind Ambition Angels

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Guided by Experts

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Your Support Unlocks their Future

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Your GENEROSITY donation provides access to our ambition-cultivating app

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Funds go toward creating content and support within the app to mentor teens

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See the real-world effects of your contributions through updates and stories

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Your GENEROSITY donation provides access to our ambition-cultivating app

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See the real-world effects of your contributions through updates and stories

Partner With Us

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Frequently Asked Questions

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A small investment from you can go a long way. Fund an Ambition Angel Today!

Citrus Fruits

Without Action, Potential is Lost

Our ultimate goal is to connect with almost every teenager, similar to the read of social media, but with a transformative impact. Unlike social media, which can be draining, our aim is to enrich, empower, and uplift young lives. This is a lofty ambition, ye it's achievable. With Ambition, we have the potential to alter the course of an entire generation positively. Join us in this important movement.

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Ambition Angels Inc.,

a US 501 (c)(3) public charity,

EIN 87-2513010

©2023-2025 Ambition Angels


380 Portage Ave

Palo Alto, CA. 94306

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